Rodney Miller for West Virginia

Learn About Rodney
Rodney Miller was Born in Madison, Boone County, West Virginia to the late Ardella and Delvin Miller. He grew up in Twilight in Boone County, the son of a coal miner.
He is married to Cozetta Miller and has two children, Jennifer and Michael. Rodney and his family are proud members of the Madison Baptist Church, where they attend and have served on several boards.
Graduating from Van High School, he went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from West Virginia State University; Associate of Science degree from West Virginia University Institute of Technology and attended Marshall University. Rodney also graduated from the WV State Police Academy, Institute, WV and the National Sheriffs’ Institute, Longmont, CO, just to name a few of many law enforcement training sessions.
Rodney Miller has dedicated his life and career to protecting Boone County and is a retired Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff from the Boone County Sheriff’s Office where he spent more than 30 years protecting and serving the people of Boone County and was twice elected as Sheriff serving two terms from 2005-2012.
He continues to work to protect WV as he currently serves the entire State as the Executive Director of the West Virginia Sheriffs’ Association where he handles the training, membership development and issues, as well as their legislative effort. He was twice elected to the House of Delegates, once in 2016 and again in 2018.
- Life Member of the National Sheriffs’ Association
- Past President/Lifetime Member of the West Virginia Sheriff’s Association
- Past President/Lifetime member of the WV Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
- Past President Boone County Lodge 120 - Fraternal Order of Police
- Past WV State Trustee WV Fraternal Order of Police
- Past President Madison Rotary Club
- Life Member VFW Auxiliary Post 5578
- Member of Odell Lodge #115 A.F & A.M.; Scottish Rite Bodies; Beni Kedem Shrine, ROJ Court 111; Boone Lodge #170 IOOF;
- WV Wing Civil Air Patrol; Boone County AFT;
- WV High School Soccer Coaches Association; HS Soccer Coach; WVU Alumni Assoc. -Boone County Chapter; Past President, Boone County Friends of Marshall;
- Other Public Service; West Virginia Sheriffs Bureau of Professional Standards; Past Chair
- Governor's Commission on Crime, Delinquency & Corrections - Law Enforcement Training Subcommittee
- West Virginia Sheriff’s Bureau; Consolidated Public Retirement Board; WV Investment Management Board; Past Cub Master Pack 392, BSA
- Member of Madison Baptist Church, Madison, WV
- As a trusted member of the House Judiciary Committee, Miller was appointed as one of only five bipartisan managers of the investigation and impeachment proceedings of the entire WV Supreme Court.
- Consultant to RADx UP Phase II (Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics – Underserved Populations Initiative – National Institutes of Health) with West Virginia University
Create Good-Paying Jobs
Jobs not only provide food on the table and a roof overhead but provide hope for a future. Our area has experienced a huge turnaround in the economy over the last several years. We may be down, but we are not out. We have elements for economic success, such as honest and hard-working people needed for a stable workforce, post-mine land availability, and transportation access by Interstate, airport, river, and rail.
Being geographically centered to two-thirds of the population in the United States, we need to expand our reach and promote technology, such as Broadband Internet to give local businesses a competitive edge. We need to make the process easier to start and operate a business while also helping our current small businesses and entrepreneurs. Finally, while our energy sector must always have a seat at the table, we need to develop a diversified 21st Century West Virginia economy that is ready to employ our skilled, educated and drug-free workforce. We need to keep our coal mining industry while developing new technology to diversify our area to grow. I will not vote against coal miners, miners’ safety, or the elimination of the mining industry as some have done.
Fight the Drug Epidemic
I have personally been on the front lines and know there is no family or neighborhood untouched by the epidemic of substance and drug abuse. At its core, this epidemic stems from a lack of hope. Our success depends on our willingness to tackle the problem on all fronts, which I have seen described as four pillars – Prevention, Intervention, Treatment and Law Enforcement. We must vigorously support those agencies on the front line, including the recovery community, first responders, health care, court systems, social services, and faith-based groups. We must focus these pillars to a common direction and understand that one facet is not the total solution, but rather joint forces are needed.
Improve K-12 School System and Expand Community & Technical Education
Our greatest asset for the future of West Virginia is our talented youth. As a former substitute teacher and the husband and father of public-school teachers, I know that the heart of this task lies in retaining and attracting the high-quality teachers and school service personnel we need to prepare our children for the 21st century economy. We must meet our obligations head-on by fixing and funding PEIA. We must prioritize our budget to ensure competitive salaries for teachers and service personnel on increasing multi-year steps, such as recommended by AFT-WV, WVEA and WVSSPA. We need to re-evaluate administrative requirements that require our educators to “teach for tests” with constantly changing standards and return to letting our children learn and our quality educators educate. Likewise, we need to expand non-college opportunities such as learning trades in community and technical education centers. I support our public schools in Boone County and support our teachers and service personnel. I have not and will not vote against teachers and school personnel or vote to damage the education system that is so important to West Virginia’s future. Education professionals need to be setting the criteria and curriculum for student’s education, not politicians.
Invest in Higher Education/Career Technical Education
We can all agree that our young people are, unfortunately, our biggest export. I have personally seen that happen. Study after study shows the economic return on investment in higher education is second to none. Higher education has been cut "to the bone" and is making it inaccessible to many West Virginians. Likewise, every cut reduces the economic impact that our communities are seeing from our several renowned institutions. Career Technical Education has been ignored by many. This element provides an educated workforce immediately able to engage in productive work as industry looks and prepares to come to WV. It is time to prioritize educational opportunities for all.
Protect West Virginia Workers
While we focus on building a better economy for West Virginia, we cannot forget the working men and women who built this great State. I have seen the results when workplace safety is not prioritized. Our West Virginia Workers benefit from the ability to collectively bargain for better safety conditions, wages, and benefits as do our West Virginia Contractors from Prevailing Wage laws that ensure an equal footing with out of state companies. Especially now, we should be encouraging the vital function of organized labor in preparing a drug-free, skilled workforce. I have not nor will not work against the working-class people of Boone County or West Virginia that we see is happening by some current legislators.
West Virginia First
We must put West Virginia and West Virginians first. While we work to attract businesses into WV to build our economy, we cannot forget those small and medium businesses who support our great State. We cannot give away the farm and ignore West Virginians trying to make their way in the business community. It is about our youth, our senior citizens, our veterans, our workers, and others. We can partner with all. When out of state interests are put ahead of West Virginia’s and West Virginian’s best interest, we are doomed to a bleak future. We have people who are trying, and we should embrace them, and not work against them.
West Virginia is not Washington, DC, and we should not be acting like Washington. You must see the same the divisive attitudes of the haves vs the have nots, who are killing states like ours. Regardless of political registration, West Virginians don’t have the ability to be treated like second rate citizens and neglected while some politicians push a hate filled agenda, and play follow the leader of those who don’t really care about you or me. We don’t have time for the lies and false information that’s being pushed by some, all for their own selfish benefits, political parties and out of state greed, instead of working for our state, our citizens and you. My pledge is to work for West Virginia, to work for Boone County and work for you. Please contact me personally before you believe the false information that has been pushed by some politicians.
Awards and Recognitions
- Legislator of the Year 2020 – West Virginia Association for Justice
- Legislative Service Award - West Virginia Fraternal Order of Police
- Law Enforcement Officer of the Year – WV Veterans of Foreign Wars
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